by Karim
proceeding the case MORE_GENERAL: except some cases, in general the link //
father->currentNode will be replaced by
father->newOntNode->currentNode case MORE_GENERAL:
{ if (!simulation) { trace("Proceeding the case of
MORE_GENERAL"); if (newOntNode.isType() &&
Type.hasDefinition(newOntNode)) contract((Type) newOntNode,
currentOntNode); link(newOntNode,
currentOntNode); // 1 trace("Adding a link between:
\n", newOntNode); trace(" and \n",
currentOntNode); if
(realComparison) { link(fatherOntNode,
newOntNode); //
2 removeLink(fatherOntNode,
currentOntNode); // 2 if (trace) { trace("Adding a link between:
\n" + toString(fatherOntNode) + " and \n" +
toString(newOntNode) ); trace("Removing the link
between: \n" + toString(fatherOntNode) + " and \n" +
toString(currentOntNode) ); } } else
if (fatherOntNode instanceof Individual) {
// 2’ Type typeOfIndividual = ((Individual)
fatherOntNode).getType(); link(typeOfIndividual,
newOntNode); //
2’ trace("Adding a link from the
type of the father \n" + toString(typeOfIndividual) +
"\n to the new Ont Node"); } if (realComparison) // 3 updateFathers(newOntNode,
currentOntNode, "new ontology node"); // 3 …. |
1) In all cases - we add the link New-> Current 2) If we have to
compare (i.e. Father is not an individual) - we add the link Father -> New - we remove the
link Father -> Current 2’) If Father is an
individual - we add the link Type(Father) -> New 3) In case the
Father is not an individual, we check the other fathers (individuals and types)
of Current that contain concepts of New. In such case - we add the link Other Father -> New - we remove the
link Other Father -> Current |
// proceeding
the case MORE_SPECIFIC: except some cases, in general the new // Node
is integrated via the children of the currentNode. In case no //
integration is done with all the children the new node is added as a child // of the
current node. case MORE_SPECIFIC:
{ boolean integrated = false; trace("Proceeding the case of
MORE_SPECIFIC"); if (currentOntNode.isType() &&
Type.hasDefinition(currentOntNode)) contract((Type) currentOntNode,
newOntNode); ///////// 1 Enumeration
currOntNodeChildren = currentOntNode.getChildren(); if (currOntNodeChildren != null) { ArrayList copyChildren =
enum2ArrayList(currOntNodeChildren); for(Iterator i =
copyChildren.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { CS childOntNode = (CS); if (childOntNode instanceof Individual &&
((Individual)childOntNode).getType() != currentOntNode ) { trace("**** ChildOntNode is
Individual and its Type is different from currentOntNode: ",
childOntNode); continue; } trace("Compare and proceed with
the child: \n", childOntNode); integrated = compareAndProceed(newOntNodeWrapper,
currentOntNode, childOntNode, realComparison,
simulation, compareNodesHshMap,
contextsToIntegrate, mainContext) ||
integrated; } copyChildren.clear(); copyChildren = null; } newOntNode = newOntNodeWrapper.newOntNode; ///////// 2 if (!integrated
&& !simulation) { ///////// 2’ trace("No integration done with all
the children OR no children found for the node: \n", currentOntNode); Object ref = entryPoint.getDesignator(); if ( ref
instanceof Individual &&
currOntNodeChildren != null &&
enum2ArrayList(currOntNodeChildren).contains(ref) ) { /// 2’.1 link(((Individual)ref),
newOntNode); /// 2’.1 trace("The new CS is added as a
child of " + toString((Individual)
ref)); } else if ((currentOntNode
instanceof Individual && ref != currentOntNode) //2’.2.1 ||
//2’.2.2 ){
trace("Nothing is done with : ", currentOntNode); } else { link(currentOntNode,
newOntNode); //2’.3 trace("The new CS is added as a
child of ", currentOntNode); } } else trace("Integration done
for:", currentOntNode); …. |
1) New is integrated
from all the children of Current (Except the individuals for which the type
does not correspond to Current) 2) If New has been
integrated via one the children of Current, nothing is done 2’) If the integration
has not been done (or if Current has no children) 2’.1) If one of the
children of Current is an individual and that individual is the individual of
the entry Point - add the link Child -> New 2’.2.1) If the
Current is an individual that is different from the designator or the entry
Point or 2’.2.2) There is
already a link between Current and New -
Nothing is done 2’.3) In all other cases - add the link Current
-> New |
// proceeding
the case EQUAL: except some cases, in general the current Node // will
be merged with the new Node case EQUAL: { if (!simulation) { trace("Proceeding the case of
ontNodeToKeep = null, ontNodeToEliminate = null; //1 ArrayList childrenList = null,
ToEliminateList, ToKeepList; if (currentOntNode == newOntNode) return; /// 2 else if ((currentOntNode.isSituation()
|| Type.hasCanon(currentOntNode)) && Type.hasDefinition(newOntNode)) { ontNodeToEliminate
= currentOntNode; ontNodeToKeep = newOntNode; childrenList =
children(ontNodeToEliminate); } /// 2’ else if ((newOntNode.isSituation()
|| Type.hasCanon(newOntNode))
Type.hasDefinition(currentOntNode)) { ontNodeToEliminate
= newOntNode; ontNodeToKeep = currentOntNode; newOntNodeWrapper.newOntNode =
currentOntNode; updateCompareNodesHshMap(compareNodesHshMap,
newOntNode, currentOntNode); childrenList =
children(ontNodeToEliminate); } else if ((newOntNode.isSituation()
) && (currentOntNode.isSituation() )) { ontNodeToEliminate
= newOntNode;
ontNodeToKeep = currentOntNode;
} …. |
1) Current and New are
equal, depending on their respective types, one is to be kept, the other is
to be removed 2) If Current is
Situation/Canon And New is Definition -Keep New -Remove Current 2’) If New is
Situation/Canon And Current is
Definition OR New is Situation And Current is
Situation -Keep Current -Remove New |
proceeding the case HAVE_AN_INTERSECTION: except some cases, in general a // common
Node would be created. The content of this common node is the //
generalization of the current Node and the new Node. The link //
fatherNode->currentNode will be replaced with fatherNode->commonNode, //
commonNode->currentNode and commonNode->newNode case HAVE_AN_INTERSECTION: { CS commonNode = null; if (!simulation &&
!hybridSimulation()) { CG commonNodeCG = (CG)
compareCGResults.getCommonCG(); trace("Proceeding the case of
HAVE_AN_INTERSECTION"); trace("The content of the
common node to create is: \n", commonNodeCG); CS effectiveFather = fatherOntNode; if (!realComparison) effectiveFather = ( (Individual)
fatherOntNode).getType(); removeLink(effectiveFather,
currentOntNode); trace("Removing the link
between the father and the current node"); if (removeLink(effectiveFather,
newOntNode)) trace("Removing the link
between the father and the new node"); trace("Checking if the new
situation to create equals to one of the remaining fathers of the
current node"); Enumeration
currentOntNodeFathers = currentOntNode.getFathers(); //1 boolean integratedAmongFathers =
false; if (currentOntNodeFathers != null)
//Even if impossible for
(Enumeration i = currentOntNodeFathers; i.hasMoreElements() &&
!integratedAmongFathers; ) {
//1 CS oneFather = (CS)
i.nextElement(); if
(oneFather != null && !fatherOntNode.isFather(oneFather) && oneFather != fatherOntNode
commonNodeCG.equal(getContent(oneFather))) { // 1.1 commonNode = oneFather; integratedAmongFathers = true; link(oneFather,
newOntNode); //
1.1 trace("Yes, it's the
case, we link from another father (if not
already linked): \n", oneFather); trace("to the new ont
node: \n", newOntNode); if (realComparison)
{ // 1.2 link(fatherOntNode,
oneFather); // 1.2 trace("we link from the
current father: \n", fatherOntNode); trace("to this other
father : \n", oneFather); } else if (fatherOntNode instanceof Individual) { // 1.2’ Type typeOfIndividual=
((Individual) fatherOntNode).getType(); link(typeOfIndividual,
oneFather); // 1.2’ trace("we link from the
type of the father: \n", typeOfIndividual); trace("to this other
father : \n", oneFather); } } } if (!integratedAmongFathers
) { //
3 trace("The checking is done
without any integration"); // If newOntNode and currentOntNode are
Context CS, then the common // node to create will be also a
Context CS (not a Situation). if (Context.isContext(newOntNode)
&& Context.isContext(currentOntNode)){ Type subjectNewOntNode = ((Context)
newOntNode).getType(); Type
subjectCurrentOntNode = ((Context) currentOntNode).getType();
Type subjectCommonNode=subjectNewOntNode.getMinComSuperType(
subjectCurrentOntNode ); commonNode = new Context(subjectCommonNode,
commonNodeCG); //3.1 } else { commonNode = new
//3.1 } guiTrace(commonNode); Concept concept; for (Enumeration e = commonNodeCG.getConcepts();
e.hasMoreElements();) { concept = (Concept) e.nextElement(); if
(Context.isContext(concept.getDescriptor())) { link((Context)
concept.getDescriptor(), commonNode); // if description of the commonNode
contains a context, the // corresponding context node
should index commonNode trace("Adding a link from a
context Node to the common Node. Context Node is: \n", (Context)
concept.getDescriptor()); } } link(commonNode,
currentOntNode); //3.1 trace("Adding a link from the
common Node to currentNode: \n",
currentOntNode); link(commonNode,
newOntNode); //3.1 trace("Adding a link from the
common Node to the new CS"); link(effectiveFather,
commonNode); //3.2 trace("Adding a link from the
father Node to the common Node: \n",
commonNode); if
//3.3 updateFathers(commonNode,
currentOntNode, "common node");
//3.3 } … } // end of case HAVE_AN_INTERSECTION |
1) Check if the content
of Common (to create) corresponds to one of the fathers of Current 1.1) If one of the
other fathers Other Father is not a descendant of Father and the content of
Other Father equals Common - add the link Other Father -> New 1.2) If Other
Father is not an individual - add the link Father -> Other Father 1.2’) If Other
Father is an individual - add the link Type(Father) -> Other Father 3) If the
integration has not been done among one of the other fathers of Current 3.1)Creation
of the Common and - add the link Common -> New - add the link Common -> Current 3.2)-
add the link Effective Father -> Common 3.3) In case the
Father is not an individual, we check the other fathers (individuals and
types) of Current that contain concepts of Common. In such case - we add the link Other Father -> Common - we remove the
link Other Father -> Current |